Showing posts with label Mashiro Iro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mashiro Iro. Show all posts

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 12 - Mascot Characters need arcs too!

We finally have our finale for Mashiro. It has been a decent run, much better then I anticipated at least. A finale for a character that has had an abundance of screentime with no real focus. I don't think I seen another anime where they focused in on their mascot character before.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 11 - Life After a Harem

Well, a very boring episode for the second last episode of the season. Everything has already been wrapped up with this episode, why do they need another episode? The only real purpose of this episode was to watch Sana suffer more. I enjoy watching her suffer as much the next person, but it feels dragged on at this point. This is what happens when the harem ends and the story continues, wow it sucks.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 10 - Sana's Pain

Well, I think it is finally confirmed who the winner is. I can't say I am not happy about this. It is pretty rare for the girl I like to get picked. You can't help but feel bad for Sana's useless struggle though. I actually want OVAs for the other routes now. This turned out much better then I originally expected when I started. It is rare for these VNs to be adapted well.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 09 - Lonely Mothers Need Comfort Too!

So a heavy Miu-centric episode, how can you not love her? I am still ecstatic that the best girl is going to be picked for this anime. Inb4 last second route swap, I mean they still have a good 3 more episodes for another girl to step in and ruin everything. I mean Sana and Airi both have enough punch left in them to ruin this anime.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 08 - MIU route get!

Oh ya baby!! MIU ROUTE CONFIRMED!!! Well I guess I get to eat my words now, I was pretty certain that Miu would play zero role all season and BAM, she ends up being the one to be picked. This just shot this anime up in my books. I am still a bit in awe that the anime turned so suddenly towards her, definitely didn't see this coming at all.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 07 - More Tsundere Red Head

So the wars between the girls continue with the main character oblivious to it all; Same as always. An episode dedicated to the final girl that has not accepted our main character yet. I think they are going to push her pretty far since her problem was still not resolved in one episode. I still hate that red hair badly, it doesn't help that she gets episodes based on her when other still haven't, like purple hair senpai.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 06 - Obligations of a Maid

You will never have a maid warm up a bed for you

So this episode was to solidify the crappy Tsundere as the end girl the main character will end with. I am 100% sure of this, they are really putting no effort in developing any of the other girls. At least it was humorous with the maid's crazy antics. Things don't seem as bad this episode, I guess it cause I am pretty tired right now so anything light hearted sinks in better.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 05 - Being a Maid is Suffering

Well, this episode was centered around the maid of this episode. I felt the maid was pretty boring character, but it could be because I am sleep deprived atm. I guess I am judging her mainly by her green short hair, which isn't one of those hair colours I like. I think I am just biased against her because she has zero character and dislike that archtype in general.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 04 - This Hurts so Much!

Well this was an absolutely brutal episode. From the tsundere going pure deredere to that random new tsundere popping up with no warning. This has securely put the purple hair as the best girl of this show by not having any major faults unlike the rest of them; Cosplaying is always a plus too.

Mashiro-Iro Symphony 03 - Ben-To in my Mashiro-Iro?

Everything is bland as usual with our main character, he is putting out extra strong vibes to woo our tsundere character into his harem though; He is succeeding pretty quickly too. It was a pretty boring episode until the end where I swear they took scenes right out of Ben-To. I couldn't stop screaming "Not Ben-To in my Mashiro-Iro!" It sure would be an awesome twist if Mashiro followed the same base story though.

Mashiro Iro Symphony 02 - Why is There a Second Post?

Oh ya baby, I am a glutton for punishment watching this anime. I was bored waiting for my matches on Dragon Nest and decided to watch this. I had no intention of following up more posts for this show originally but I COULDN'T STOP yelling at my screen. So, I decided to make a post about it. If subs are timely on Tues/Wed, I might even continue, I'll have to see how rage inducing it is. My body can only take so much punishment.

Mashiro Iro Symphony 01 - Wake me up When Something Happens

The first VN adapted harem anime that I felt obligated to watch. I just want to know who wins! I'm just always so curious if they adapt the anime with one specific route or leave it open it ended to appeal to a larger fanbase. I was even considering picking this up for weekly just because nothing I want airs on Monday or Wednesdays. If subs are timely, I still might but prospects look doubtful.