This one just looks pretty and I'm that fickle. |
My first post which will appear "picture heavy" because of the lack of original content in this episode. 16 was a recap of the content so far. Needless to say, this increases my skepticism on the quality of the season's ending. Given where the story is, I do not feel they have the time to spare on a recap episode a mere 15 episodes into the series. I like to think most of us remember the plot and characters so far. If we were 50 episodes deep and there was a recap, I could understand; but here we have only lived a year (vicariously of course) so this waste makes me apprehensive. I don't see Chihaya Furu on the spring list and no hearsay of a second season. This gives me an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach as I expect a disappointing season end. After all, we covered a year in 12 episodes (The first three were in a previous timeline.) at a good pace. Is it possible to properly conclude the storyline in just nine more? We'll see....
Well, enough emo-ranting and onto the pictures.
Arata: closet perv. Why does it look as though he is being molested for the better by that magazine? |
As I mentioned, this was a recap episode. It began with three comical shorts themed around New Years. It split the episode into three sections and recapped one arc in each. Between sections there would be a comedy short. That's all there was to it. In all honesty, I just skipped through the episode.
Haha - everyone takes digs at him. |