"The story of Katanagatari on this month and this evening ends here."
So I picked up this series when it first aired a year ago mentioned here and it finally finished. Gotta say it started off really strong, got a bit weak near the end and ended and a really strong note too.
The different art style, nicely paced story and decent comedy meshed well together. I loved how in the end, all the small things came together nicely. 1 of the amazing things is the nicely developed charaters. I did like pretty much every character in the series. Highly recommend this one 8.5/10, almost as good as Angel Beats. Makes me think I should just follow Mazui Subs, they sub pretty much everything I like watching.
Major Spoiler:
I liked Bakimonogatari and now Katanagatari, I presume the next one coming (Kizumonogatari) the prequel to Bakimonogatari will be amazing too. Looking forward to it.
Side note: Mirai Nikki Ova ( if it can really be called an OVA) came out. Disappointed since its more like a commercial then anything. Wouldn't make any sense to anyone that hasn't read the series. I would watch it if it came out as a series though.