So some updates, Orea is leading me in the Soul Master thing, I blame him posting first and getting a link on their front page. To combat this I want MORE CLICKSSS. It would also help if you logged in (or made an account to "Digg it" too)
So CLICK MY REVIEW OR ELSE, go Rena, punish them for not clicking my link!!!

So that aside this week (and the real reason for this post) is based on Amagami SS.
They have entered the 2nd arc where the main character dates another girl. Now a bunch of posts back, I complained how eps 3 of Amagami pissed me off to no extent AND DO THIS AGAIN on this weeks eps. It makes me think their gonna do it for EVERY ARC. At this point it has pissed me off enough that I must drop it. Good news is Ookami-san is getting better and better each eps.
Just thinking about Amagami:
On another anime-ish related note, Claymore chapter that came out today made me go ^_^
Lately I been disliking it for being so Clare heavy, but now with her own battle, the star of the show Miria, gets to take center stage (my fav char in Claymore) YAY!
In a couple more weeks and Rho will finally be back from China and probably have some huge blog posts with it (mabe Aaro too). She's been busy with Starcraft 2 and trying new MMOs. Last one was LOCO which she hated cause she lags like hell in it. She did find some interesting ones coming out soon that are worth checking out. So now to add Tera and Legend of Edda to the long list of MMOs coming out soon that we wanna try.
Final fun note, since most these people will never come back to see this post here are some links to some funny google searches people end up clicking to this page from in last 3 days.