So pew pew, Pearz again. Today the new fortune cards were added. With it was this new broken spear, along with other equally broken items that would tip the balance - use cash shop items or do miserably low damage. So far nothing about my luck - we'll start off with the new items that I acquired:

Okay, so the Gae Bolg isn't new, but look at the mod! :O It's new: +5 charge (and I got it on my first try with dismally low percents). That was Lucky Break Number One. The second was that spear that everyone is after. I opened it from the fortune cards on my first card. :O With luck like that, I promptly modded it up to the nice spiffy stats it has now. That talisman I bought and there was no luck involved, but it's new - and hey, the stats on it makes it so broken. The 3rd Lucky Break was that I got the consolation prize from all my Succubus hunting: the archer zodiac stone. It sells for a pretty penny, so that's always nice to see. It's bland, so not posting it. Nothing to see. <.<
Long story short, I got 3 big Lucky Breaks today. Just hope that this luck doesn't cut into my Emperor Sword hunting luck (cause we all know that luck is transferable XD). Really lucky day regardless~ ^_^
Current Succubus Kill Count: 400+ (I'll quit when I hit 1000 <.<)

Okay, so the Gae Bolg isn't new, but look at the mod! :O It's new: +5 charge (and I got it on my first try with dismally low percents). That was Lucky Break Number One. The second was that spear that everyone is after. I opened it from the fortune cards on my first card. :O With luck like that, I promptly modded it up to the nice spiffy stats it has now. That talisman I bought and there was no luck involved, but it's new - and hey, the stats on it makes it so broken. The 3rd Lucky Break was that I got the consolation prize from all my Succubus hunting: the archer zodiac stone. It sells for a pretty penny, so that's always nice to see. It's bland, so not posting it. Nothing to see. <.<
Long story short, I got 3 big Lucky Breaks today. Just hope that this luck doesn't cut into my Emperor Sword hunting luck (cause we all know that luck is transferable XD). Really lucky day regardless~ ^_^
Current Succubus Kill Count: 400+ (I'll quit when I hit 1000 <.<)